If there is something specific you are looking for, please contact us directly. We can customize any plan, package and service offering to fit your budget and reach your sales goals.
Level I – $600
Getting started.
A comprehensive marketing plan and roadmap to help you reach your business goals. This package includes strategic marketing & business development plan with one follow-up consultation phone/zoom call.
Level II – $1,000
For those looking for a detailed marketing plan with some extra guidance. This package includes a strategic marketing & business development plan with 3 follow up consultation phone/zoom calls.
Level III – $3,000
This package will make your company stand out and start generating buzz. This level includes a strategic marketing & business development plan with 1 follow up consultations phone/zoom call per week. This package also includes content creation: one blog, one email blast and one social posts per week for one month.
Level IV – $5,000
If you are looking to jumpstart your marketing efforts, this package will deliver results. This package includes a strategic marketing & business development plan with follow up consultation phone/zoom calls and a website audit. This package also includes content creation: two blogs, two email blasts and two social posts per week per month. This package also includes business development services and sales referrals.